Thursday, June 01, 2006

Random, Random, and more Random

This is a taste of things we get to see on a regular basis. This was a note posted outside our elevator for like a month. It had something to do with the 31st of May, but as we couldn't read it, it didn't help us much.

These are little stress balls they had in Shodoshima and which they have all over the place. We think it is funny becuase the words on top that you can't read are "hmmmm....that feels soo good." That's Japan for ya.

I have had the opportunity to find signs with at least 3 of my family members names on them. I can't find anything close to mine, but this drink was called Ambasa which is close enough to Amber-san (which is what some people call me), so I decided to take a photo op.

This isn't a normal occurance, but we did see some cool noodles outside drying at Shodoshima, so had to take the opportunity and take a pictures. Hungry anyone?!

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