Thursday, April 13, 2006
Miyajima Madness

The day after we went to Hiroshima, we took a hop skip and a jump to the nearby island of Miyajima. It is a very famous island for the floating shrine they have there. Okay, so it really isn't floating, but it is built out over the ocean, and at high tide, the water comes up right underneath it. It was another one of those cool orange shrines (we know how I love those orange buildings). It is also famous for its rice scoopers and they have a huge one on display for all to look at. They also have a cool pagoda thing surrounded by cherr blossoms. Soooo beautiful!! There is a cool mountain as well where if you climb to the top you can see the main island of Honshu as well as our island of Shikoku. There were a ton of monkeys up there as well. YOu are advised not to feed them or look them in the eye. HMMM!! That kind of makes you wonder. They are famous for their maple leaf pasteries filled with anco, chocolate, or custard. I had the custard one. It was delicious. There are also a hundred million dear there and I made the mistake of buying food to feed them. I have never been attacked by bambi before, but after being attacked by 20 of them, I never want to do that again. They bite you and head butt you and all sorts of fun stuff. I definitely got a fun video of it and a key chain with a deer on it to remind me of my fun adventure.