Thursday, March 23, 2006

Kochi, Kochi, Ku

So about 2 weeks ago I had the opportunity to go to Kochi, which is another prefecture on the island of Shikoku. It was way beautiful. It is really famous for this samurai guy. I can't rember his name for the life of me. They have a beautiful castle there which is built with black wood. We also got to go to the beach. The water was actually kind of warm and soo beautiful. It was a perfect sea green color. We also went to some caves called Ryugado. If anyone has ever been to the Mt. Timpanogas caves, its kind of like that. There were a few tight squeezes in there, but well worth it. We even saw two bats flying around. I loved the trip although I was extremely tired at the end of the day. It was fun to go to a beach again and I got some cool seashells to prove it. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

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